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Please note, this is not an exhaustive representation of my calendar, but a meaningful sample of meetings and events that you may have input or interest. To speak to any of these calendar items, please email me at

14 February

Budget Committee

9:30   -   City Hall
Contingency meeting.
13 February

Community Safety

1:30   -   Virtual
Meeting to discuss RCMP response and community alert following the break-in in West Dover.
13 February

Peggy's Cove Commission

3:00 PM   -   Virtual
Monthy meeting.
12 February

Hubbards Streetscape Project

12:00   -   Virtual
11 February

Budget Committee

9:30   -   City Hall
Agenda is online
11 February

Regional Council

10:00 AM   -   City Hall
Agenda is online
10 February

Birch Bear Woods Community Meeting

9:00 AM   -   Birch Bear
10 February

North West Community Council

6:00 PM   -   City Hall
Agenda is online